Procrastination is the silent enemy of productivity. We all face it at some point, and it can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. However, by understanding why we procrastinate and implementing effective strategies, we can overcome it and achieve our goals. Here are 7 tried-and-true tricks that have worked for me and can help you beat procrastination in 2023.
1. Clarify What You Want to Achieve and What You Need to Do
We start procrastinating because we don’t have a clear idea of our objective or the next task we need to do. Use a system that works for you, but always have a clear next step.
2. Divide and Conquer
An old saying, but it’s true. If you have a BIG task, you will never feel like starting it. Break the task into smaller, manageable pieces. This not only makes it easier to handle but also helps you see your progress and feel a sense of achievement.
3. Block Time for Tasks
If you commit to a scheduled time in your day, a blocked slot where you have to do tasks… it will help! Start with small blocks on your calendar and make sure you stick to them.
4. Don’t Look for the Perfect Moment, Just Do It
Personally, I often procrastinate because I believe it’s not the perfect moment to do the task. And you know what? It’s nonsense! Just do it. Don’t overthink it. There is no ideal moment.
5. Start Even if You Don’t Feel Like It
People talk about motivation to get things done. Look, motivation is OVERRATED. Start doing things even without motivation and decide after 5 minutes. You’ll see the change.
6. Remember Why You Want to Do It
Don’t feel like studying? I often don’t either. But remember why you need to do it. You don’t have to punish yourself, it’s just a task for something you want. We are short-term thinkers by nature.
7. Don’t Feel Bad
When you procrastinate, there’s no need to feel guilty. Procrastinating is not BAD. What’s bad is doing it ALL THE TIME. Sometimes we need to delay something because we simply need to rest or disconnect. IT’S OKAY.